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By Lida Prypchan
Followed by controversy, Vincent van Gogh’s time in Paris with his brother in 1886, Theo, was preceded by a stay in Antwerp. After being accused of improper behavior with a village woman in Nuenen, van Gogh headed to Antwerp and made an effort to study art formally – specifically the study of color...

By Lida Prypchan
At 29 years old, in January of 1882, after a second spurred marriage proposal combined with his subsequent loss of faith, Vincent van Gogh moved to The Hague to pursue a career in art, as a peasant painter. He studied the works of Jean-François Millet, a French painter noted for his illustrations of...

Art and ReligionBy Lida Prypchan
Vincent van Gogh was born into a clan that were adept at two things – religion and art. Traditionally, the male members of the family were expected to enter the art world or follow a calling into religious ministry. Vincent’s paternal grandfather, also named Vincent, obtained a degree of theology,...

By Lida Prypchan
Although we know Vincent van Gogh as a prolific and talented artist, the work we are familiar with did not begin until the artist himself was 27. Sources agree that, as a boy, van Gogh did draw, which would make sense since his mother was considered artistic, but those early drawings were more copying...

By Lida Prypchan
Although it appears that the two months between the arrival of Paul Gauguin at Arles and his time with Vincent van Gogh were largely two of the happiest months of van Gogh’s life, by December 23, 1888, it had ended in disaster. Whether precipitated by an argument with Gauguin, his feelings of inadequacy...

PP+A is a network of people from all walks of life who are interested in the relatedness between Psychiatry, Philosophy and the Arts.

We are interested in all aspects and points of views from mental health professionals, students, patients, and outside observers. We encourage the discussion of all philosophies including ancient or modern, new age, Eastern/Western, spirituality/religion and how they relate to overall artistic expression of the human condition through music, artworks, paintings, language/writing and creativity as a whole.

Our mission is:

pp+a_logo_web_SM to recognize and promote the interrelatedness of psychiatry, philosophy and the arts

pp+a_logo_web_SM to provide a safe space (with anonymity available) for discussions about the mind, psychiatric conditions, philosophy, and the impact of the arts on the mind and the spirit

pp+a_logo_web_SM to explore the link between psychiatric conditions and creativity, often described as the thin line between great works of art and madness.

PP+A offers a discussion forum generated by an online publication of articles and creative works (photography, videos, music, etc.) to which you are invited to contribute. We also encourage you to learn more about the relatedness between Psychiatry, Philosophy, and the Arts by clicking on one of the categories to the right.

We welcome your participation!
